Best Rifle Scope Under $500 – Top 5 in 2024 [REVEALED]

Best Rifle Scope Under $500

Why look for an optic under $500? Doesn’t that seem expensive? The answer might surprise you… Buying a riflescope under $500 satisfies most avid hunter and professional target shooting requirements. One of the main differences between a scope under $500 and one under $200, is the light transmission on the more expensive scopes will be … Read more

How To: Properly Sight in a Rifle Scope

Properly Sight in a Rifle Scope

Sighting in your rifle scope can be a daunting task that many shooters struggle with their first time or 2. It doesn’t have to be! There is a simple process that every hunter or shooter follows when they first sight in their scope. A lot of beginner hunters and shooters believe that a rifle scope … Read more

Best Scopes For The Money 2024 – Top 10 [REVEALED]

Best Scopes For The Money

We’ve seen a lot of the best scopes for the money for a lot of different types of guns. What we would like to do now is reveal to you best scopes for the money overall. ​Without taking the caliber into consideration, or the use, we are going to look at the highest quality scopes … Read more